Templates for Writers
For first-time writers, templates can be a huge asset when it comes to organizing your story or content. They can be used for fiction, nonfiction, and screenplays. For screenplays, these templates are often called “beat sheets” (such as the ones described in Save the Cat!).
What are templates?
Templates are simply blank outlines. They often give a brief description of what plot point or information goes where, but you have to bring your own creativity to fill in the rest of the details. For example, here is a sandwich recipe template:
2 slices of _____bread
2 slices of _____ meat
2 slices of _____ cheese
1 tablespoon of _____ sauce
½ teaspoon of _____seasoning
- Sprinkle seasoning evenly across both slices of bread.
- Spread sauce evenly across both slices of bread.
- Place one slice of cheese on each slice of bread.
- Place one slice of meat on each slice of bread.
- Bring both slices together (meat touching meat) to create a sandwich and enjoy!
You can then use this template to create a sandwich that appeals to your sense of culinary…